as if I don't do enough social media without taking this on, too. i saw a post on twitter. maybe it was twitter. either that or Google+. the person who posted about #100dayshappy was a total stranger, so it couldn't have been facebook -- you get in big trouble on there for trying to friend peeps you don't know. it's not important how I know that.
so, anyway, this #100dayshappy is a thing -- a challenge, really -- that for 100 days, you're supposed to post a photo of something that made you happy that day. doesn't sound too hard, right? go on their site -- 100 Days of Happiness Challenge, i think it's called -- not too hard to find. site says the #1 excuse people make for not taking the challenge is that it'll take too much time. but who doesn't have time to be HAPPY, they want to know?
well, i probably usually don't. i mean, like hardly ever. well, maybe sometimes, that is if i'm not too busy on social media. hmmm-m. but perhaps this could actually HELP my social media situation. a "kill 2 birds," type-thing. sounds great, i said...
i'm IN!
day #1
day #1
pushing my cart through the grocery store when i saw these. perfect, right? stop & smell the roses... i was off to a GREAT start.
day #2
cruising down the road with my 90-year-old aunt in san angelo, texas. not the kind of thing you see every day. or at least i don't.
day #3
driving to houston for a book signing. i never, & i mean NEVER go on a road trip - changing zip codes qualifies - without eating at least 4 of these. reason being, they make me happy.
day #4
i was thinking about taking the photos a lot. kind of freakishly, now. @ maudie's, the tex-mex place around the corner from my house, people were beginning to whisper, why is that fruitcake taking a selfie of the trash can? i was beginning to wonder myself.
day #5
maybe i was having more fun than i thought. seemed like i was going out to dinner a lot, anyway. i ate there 2 nights in a row.
day #6
wheeling into downtown austin past the iconic changeable letters sign @ el arroyo restaurant on 5th street. had to get this!
day #7
just when this new happiness thing was becoming a habit, i went & blew it. almost midnight & i had no photo for that day. watching stephen colbert on tv, i knew this was just the right thing!
so... 100 days happy is off to a great start -- stay tuned!